Category Archives: EPISODES

11: Sexual Assault Awareness Month – The Aftermath: Mindsets and Emotions

The mindsets and emotions following trauma can be crippling. Fear, shame, feeling not valuable … and so much more. Over the past year, we have been made painfully aware of rampant sexual assault in the entertainment industry and in politics. Women we know as strong, powerful, successful women have been violated by predators. Isn’t it curious that a kind of moral revolution is coming out of Hollywood? Listen in on a conversation I had with Andie Berger, who helps at-risk, homeless teens get off the streets and back into community. Andie’s non-profit, Beaulah’s Place, is located in central Oregon

10: Accepted, Loved and Planned—Unashamed!

Shame will keep you hidden. The devil does not play fair. He uses things that were said to us—demeaning comments or outright verbal abuse AND he uses experiences that have happened to us—emotional abuse, mental abuses, sexual abuse—all types of abuse to bring SHAME down on us. Shame means we feel like we are not enough. Not good enough. Not acceptable. Not clean. Not loved. Lacking. Embarrassed. We feel exposed and we cannot figure out how to fix it. Shame is the opposite of that which is TRUE. Let me tell you this: God planned YOU. He LOVES you and ACCEPTS you. You are WANTED and NEEDED. The body of Christ needs you. We cannot completely do this Kingdom thing without you. Join me in the podcast in dismantling shame. Even a drop is too much!

9: Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

How do you encourage yourself? I ask a group of young women. Without taking a beat, one answered: I don’t! Most people don’t. We don’t even know HOW! Or think about HOW. Much less what it will accomplish if we do. Strethening ourselves inwardly is an underdeveloped facet of our character. In the Old Testament, the word “strength” is also used for the word “encouragement.” When David was in a severe life-and-death trial, he strengthened—and encouraged—himself in the Lord. Encouraging yourself means to strengthen yourself. Join me in this podcast and learn how to strengthen yourself in the Lord.

8: You Are Not a Grasshopper! You Are an Overcomer!

What we declare with our mouths makes all the difference. How we posture ourselves in our hearts makes all the difference. Just like the reaction of Joshua and Caleb when they spied out Canaan, you do not have to say what you see. Regardless of what your eyes are telling you, what has God told you? This podcast will further open your understanding of how we unwittingly undermine ourselves and how we can stand strong as overcomers!

7: Jesus Heals the Brokenhearted

We have broken places in our hearts. All of us. You know where they come from: betrayal, rejection, abandon, physical-mental-emotion abuse, words spoken over us that shatter. Many of us tear down ourselves with demeaning words. Then, we make the cracks in our hearts sacred wounds so as to have an excuse for not fully living. Jesus came to heal every broken place in your heart. This podcast is not for someone else; it’s for you. Jesus came to heal your heart.

6: Become the You You Were Meant to Be!

Even with hurdles, roadblocks, detours, and delays! We think delays are a setback. On the contrary, this is a time of lessons—especially in times of transitions. Lessons get you there. Yet often, transitions feel like delays. Right now, many of you are in life transitions. God is all about you becoming the you you were meant to be. What do you do to prepare yourself during transition? Let me take you a little bit deeper into this. Hop onto the podcast and we will go further into your world of becoming the you you were meant to be!

5: In the Midst of Loss, You are Still God’s Masterpiece!

As a nation, we are experiencing loss. Unexpected, tragic, painful loss. I am talking about school shootings, workplace terrorism, tragedy that strikes from out of the blue. In our lives we experience financial loss, the loss of loved ones, loss of our health, loss of work…and the list goes on. How, as men and women of faith, do we walk together with our loved ones through such loss and continue to know that we are God’s Beloved—His masterpiece? I will share with you how I have dealt with loss. There is not an easy fix. But God can do what nothing and no one on this earth can do. He is the God of all comfort! I will show you how to posture yourself in supernatural peace.

4: Transformed Into the Likeness of Christ

You are being transformed from one form into another form. It’s called metamorphosis. Like an earthbound, lowly caterpillar being transformed into a beautiful, soaring butterfly.—you are being changed from glory to glory. It is NOT behavior modification. It is a supernatural, God thing. Linda Breitman shares about the process of transformation, and how to cooperate with this God-process.

3: Your New Identity

Everything we say and do is influenced by how we see ourselves. That’s identity—how we see ourselves. Linda Breitman describes how we can see ourselves according to the standards of the world or align ourselves with how God sees us. But how do we do this—get aligned?